Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Full day off today so there'll be plenty of tourneys. Just the one on pokerstars so far - 8$ rebuy which I didn't get anywhere in - built a reasonable stack in the first hour but didn't hit any flops after that and went out when desperate about 900/1500 ish. Been doing well for once on the Ladbrokes sit and go's - built up a roll of about 75$ from yesterday's starting point of 20 odd so using it to play the 8 rebuy and the 3 rebuy.

Out of the 3 rebuy very early - AA lost to KK and I decided to bow out rather than keep rebuying. 8 rebuy was better - 51 runners - quite a recent addition to the Laddies tourney schedule. Doubled up a couple of times in the first hour - seem to be a lot of people addicted to playing A rag and there were only 24 left as we started the 2nd hour. Struggled on to the FT but hung in before inevitably going out - 6th place for $43 - not bad for an 8$ investment and 90 mins play.

Playing the 5$ 5000gtd on stars - also going to play the 3 rebuy on there and the 20 rebuy on Ladbrokes - not going to rebuy or ad on so update later.

20 rebuy on Laddies sucked a bit - was building up a nice stack until QQ got called by Q10 who hit his flush. 5$ freeze on stars was going fine - getting lowish towards the bubble but if AA had held up against 88 I would have been in the cash and well placed to go further. Still in the 3 rebuy with an average stack but I broke my own rul and rebought so it's cost me 18$ so far - 2000 left and i need top 300 to get my cash back.

Well out of that when the SB thought his Q10 was worth calling my re raise with - he was stealing and my A6 didn't hold up. People are so happy to go in behind. Playing the 8 rebuy on Laddies - approaching the end of the first hour - highlight so far being losing most of my chips when my raise with AK was reraised all in with A5 by some other fucking muppet who hit her 5. 8 rebuy ended after hanging in for ages with bugger all - ended up 26/81 which isn't too bad but was never threatening.

Still in the 10 rebuy in stars after 90 mins - currently 489/961 with 225 paid - got very lucky on a 3 way all in when I hit a 3 outer on the river to have top 2 pair. Getting slightly tired and working on getting drunk but the next 2 tourneys will be the 10 rebuy on Laddies and the 5 rebuy on stars starting in about half an hour. Got 60 odd dollar left on Laddies after the buy in for the 10 rebuy so the big question of the night is how do I avoid spending 40$ on the GY?

Well i'm out of the 10 rebuy on stars - raised with A10 from the cutoff and got one caller - Q-10-6 flop - all hearts as is my ace so I push all in - get called by Q6 and I don't improve. Don't get why he called my raise with Q6 in the first place but either way i'm out. Not going to win much in this mood - think i'm liable to make some mistakes.

Playing the 10 and 5 rebuys on Stars and Ladbrokes now - found out how to not pay in to the graveyard - i've entered the 10$ crapshoot on Laddies which means I can't afford the Gy - will probably play a few 3$ waste of time all in or fold sats to it.

Out of the 5 rebuy on stars - was getting low and entered what turned out to be a 4 way all in with 88 - was actually ahead until the river flush - down to just under 100$ on there - which i'd better make a plan to do something about as it's not my money - not that my sponsor would mind me losing but I would really like to make a profit and pay it back.

GY satellites paid off - new format appeared tonight - 5 seater 8$ turbo sat - don't exactly give you the chance to play great poker but you get more of a chance than the all in or folds - played one won one so i'm in the GY for 11$ (played one 3$ sat as well). Only problem is i'm running out of alcohol.

10 rebuy going ok on Laddies - currently 6/43 from 173 runners - just tripled when I was on the button and called the cutoff's raise with JJ - BB felt he had to get involved and I was slightly worried on a QJ9 flop - mid size bet was called - then when the 9 came on the turn I knew my full house was ahead barring a miracle. Hopefully i'll at least cash because i'm now down to 33$ plus winnings - GY entry paid so that could be a source of income too if I stay concentrated.

Out 15th in the 10 rebuy - took ages to get from 30 to 20 and although I wasn't playing to cash I didn't really have any opportunites. Stole the blinds a couple of times and struggled into the cash places about 13/20. Tried to make the most of bad cards but my downfall was raising 12000 from the cutoff with a stack of 27000 when blinds were 1500/3000 - a raise aand a reraise meant that I had to fold my KQ - AA and QQ confirmed that this was a good decision and after that I was fucked. Shoved them in from the SB with 10 6 off when I only had about 14000 left - still think that was ok as the BB was the 2nd shortest stack after me and would not have called unless he had a hand - unfortunately he had A 10 and I went out 15th. 40$ for 10 is an ok return but a far cry from a decent cash.

Just the GY left and i'm currently needing a miracle - just started the 2nd hour and i'm 30/30 - donked off a load off chips when I limped with KJ from the SB - 2 pair on flop and although the BB made it obvious he had something I still called and let him win with his flopped straight. Bad play rather than a bad beat for once. Did make a great comeback from 225 chips to about 1900 but they soon got blinded off to leave me struggling. Just doubled with AQ v A10 - still in trouble though.

Out 22nd after a bad play. Raised from the cut off with QJ - hoping to steal - got called - missed flop - bet all in and got called by A8 who had also missed flop but guessed what I was up to.

So basically i've been playing for 12 hours and gained about 30$ on Laddies and lost about 40 on stars. Did enjoy playing for most of it but would be nice to get a decent cash. Guess i'm just not good enough.

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