Sunday, March 9, 2008

No joy last night - played the 10 rebuy on stars but got nowhere. Also played a 30$ horse tourney and again played well - came 19/110 with 16 paid. Would have been a different story if my JJ had held up in the 3rd round of holdem - hit set on turn but got flushed out on the river. It's a game of outdraws and shit happens.

Only 2 tourneys on laddies - got into the 8K gtd 50$ 2nd chance for 5$ but came about 50th from 120. Also played the 10 rebuy but went out towards the end of the 2nd hour.

Bankroll down to about 450 on stars now - won about 60$ this afternoon on laddies playing turbo stt's so that's some mtt buyins for tonight after work anyway.

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