Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Been a bit up and down lately. Saturday was a day off poker and our first gig of the year so after an evening's musical debauchery I got back pretty knackered on sunday afternoon. Played quite a few tourneys and got nowhere apart from a double your money 1750/20000 in the stars 100k but redeemed myself and my bankroll with a 7th place in the Gy which brought me level for the day.

Monday was a day off work so played a couple in the afternoon - again got nowhere but won 47$ for third place trying to sat to the 30k so the afternoon paid for itself.

PLayed the 5$ 2nd chance and 8$ rebuy - rebuy was crap but finished 14/380 odd in the 2nd chance for a measly 25$. really should have made FT but gave a few away trying to steal blinds and having odds to call with my K8 losing to A6.

2 other tournaments and 2 final tables but a bit disappointed as I should have made more of them. First up was the ten reby when I got an early chip lead after tripling up early with AA and held on to it until there were 30 odd left from 170 runners by which time i'd slipped to about 7TH. Made the FT about 6th in chips but with blinds getting high and playing 7 handed and needing a double I pushed from the cut off with A10 but didn't win my race against 66. 7th place for about 180$ from 20 invested but not quite good enough.

Got into the GY from a 3$ sat and having played well to reach the FT I went out in tenth. Shame because all stacks were pretty even apart from one and he was doubling people up left right and centre. All went wahoonie shaped when I got pocket tens and raised from mid position and got called by a calling station. Didn't like the flop - 3 clubs including an ace. Went all in thinking at least if he does have the A I had a high flush draw. He had AQ (Q clubs) and although the flush hit I was out in tenth for 40$

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