Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Interesting evening so far on ladbrokes. didn't play anyting till the 25 freezout - had played a couple of sit and gos on stars but no luck and didn't fancy anything else on there.

25 freezout was a nightmare - everytime I got a few chips they were donked from me - prime example being a guy going all in UTG with 96 against my AK - I lost and also lost a race against 44 - both against lower stacks. Played most of the tourney low stacked - 23 left so we were 7 handed awaiting the final 2 tables and I attempted a steal from the cut off with A6 and failed to beat 99. 23/132 not a bad finish but outside the cash.

Played a satellite to the 100$ buy in 'daddy' crapshoot' and got in for 20$. With 3 minute blinds the crapshoot does exactly what it says on the tin and with 81 runners the chances of making the top ten are slim. Got some luck and some cards and got to the FT 3rd in chips but with blinds increasing that fast people drop like flies and with nothing at all playable even against lower stacks I drifted out in 6th. 526 dollars not a bad return from 20 though in no way can it be termed a game of skill.

Used some of my winnings to play a 75$ tourney - still in it. 40 runners with 5 paid but my stack has only gone downwards so far. Also playing the 10 rebuy so update in a bit.

Noting spectacular to report from either of those tourneys - came 11/40 in the 75. with 11 left we were short handed on 2 tables and you had to make a move at least every other round or get eaten by the blinds. Fluctuated between about 6 and 12 BB's and my luck ran out when I ran my pocket nines into KK.

Ten rebuy - was hovering around 10 bb's for ages but damaged my stack when I made a 3X BB raise from the button with A8 sooooooooooooted and the SB went all in - was only 2K more to call into about 13k so although I knew I was behind I think I had the odds to muff. Lost to KK and was left with bugger all chips. Hung around for a bit as I didn't even get a hand to bust out with and ended up out in 27th - not bad from 173 runners but no cash.

Just leaves the GY 40$ freezout - 58 runners tonight and aiming for a hat trick of final tables. Out in 32nd - nothing in the first hour and although I tried to win a few pots nothing I tried came off. Tried for a double early in the 2nd hour but my JJ lost to AK and it was game over.

Bugger. Just took 100$ to a cash table and lost it in one hand. Low flop and my tens ran into a set of sevens. That's why I never play cash. Ah well I guess it'll be a lesson to me next time I fancy playing cash. Withdrew 200$ though so i won't be tempted to do something stupid like buy into the daddy tomorrow. Bankroll back to 310 after the withdrawal.

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