Friday, February 1, 2008

Well after donking away all my bankrolls on stars and Ladbrokes coinciding with payday I deposited 100$ on Laddies and 150$ on stars. Better try and look after it this time.

Played the 5$ 2nd chance on Ladbrokes and came 27th out of 425 for $22. Got them in with AK on a A-8-8 flop after calling a raise preflop. Raiser turned over AJ and hit the J on the turn so instead of moving up to about 7th place I was out.

Just went out of the 10 rebuy as well - was doing ok after the break but QQ ran into AA then with 2000 chips left blinds 75/150 and i'm 101/107 I got them in with AQ v AJ v A9 - bigstack hit his J and that was it.

Very knackered after getting pissed last night so not going to play anything else. Hopefully i'll come back refreshed tomorrow and start building a fortune lol.

Well couldn't sleep as usual so played a 1$ horse tourney - pretty pleased with my play - managed to keep away from tricky situations and ended up 15th from 472!!! Only got $5:20 for it but thats my highest finish in any stars tournament and as thats only the 5th game of horse i've played i'm pretty chuffed.

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