Monday, February 18, 2008

Just 3 tourneys tonight on laddies and the 100k 10$ on stars where I went out around 5500/20000.

Started ok on laddies - 6/74 in the 8 rebuy - 74$ return for 16$ outlay.
10 rebuy never got anywhere after AA lost to Q10 - still had chips but stack was always going the wrong way after that.
Bought in to the GY but went out before half an hour. Lost a few early and was left with about 1500 and loads of time when I limped from mid position with KQ - Q high board and matey hit his flush draw on the river - small bets after flop then he called my all in on the turn for 1000 chips and hit. Awful call but he had a huge chip lead for so early on that maybe it wasn't.

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